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  • Sara Langnas, RD

How Do You Like Your Coffee?

Coffee alone is a great source of antioxidants.

What are antioxidants?

- Antioxidants are substances that help prevent or slow down the development of chronic, inflammatory diseases.

The best way to have your coffee is to drink it black, or with a splash of milk or milk alternative. All the other additives that could be dumped into our coffee, like creamer or sweetener, are not so beneficial. Those who must have a sweetener in their coffee because they cannot live without it, need to be mindful of the sweeteners they choose.

Common sweeteners:

- Sugar

- Equal (artificial)

- Sweet ‘N Low (artificial)

- Splenda (artificial)

- Stevia (natural)

- Truvia (natural)

- Xylitol (artificial)

- Honey (natural)

- Monk fruit (natural)

Monk fruit sweetener is a new trend right now, but people are still wondering if it is a smart and healthy option for their coffee.

Monk fruit sweetener facts:

- Has been used in Eastern medicine for the common cold and digestion

- The extract contains zero calories per serving

- FDA has permitted it as safe and so has other international agencies

- Much sweeter than sugar itself

- Lower in carbohydrates

- Not a lot of research since it is new to the food industry

It is important to choose your coffee additives wisely. Natural sweeteners are always the better option because you are aware of what you are putting in your coffee. It is also important to be mindful of how much of any additives you are putting in your coffee.

You would be surprised by how much your cup of coffee plays a role in your weight and overall health.

Bottom line: Be mindful of your coffee.

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