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Less Scary Sounding Benefits to Prenatal Vitamins

When I tell my friends I take prenatal vitamins, their eyes widen and then ask “why”? The word “prenatal” freaks out most women because having a baby is something most would like to plan out or at least have the intention of doing so in their near future. I can tell you honestly that it is not in my near future.

So why take them?

Prenatal vitamins have increased levels, let alone consist of Folate, Vitamin B12, Iron, Iodine, and Omega-3 fatty acids that a regular multivitamin would not necessarily have. This is just to name a few. What is not emphasized is when you follow a vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, or even a gluten free diet you may be lacking in some of those micronutrients I just previously mentioned. On top of that, we get our time of the month where we lose some of those SAME micronutrients. So baby making aside, those are two valid circumstantial scenarios where it is necessary to consider taking a prenatal vitamin.

Am I too late to start taking them?

It is never too late, even though everyone says to start once you reach childbearing age. The sooner the better and the plus side is that you don’t have to stress about taking these in the long run. The prenatal vitamin I take has biotin in it and now my nails are stronger than ever! Also, why buy a multivitamin and several other vitamins just because your original purchase doesn’t include everything you want to take. With a prenatal vitamin, you don’t have to take extra Vitamin B12, extra Iron, extra Folate because it already consists of it! So realistically you could be saving a few extra dollars.

Another fun fact:

Taking these may increase your bone health. Bones start to diminish with age unfortunately. Especially for women. We need strong bones! I am not referring to Calcium. For calcium to be absorbed into your bones, you need Vitamin D. Prenatal vitamins have that. Magnesium is also a big supporter of bone and muscle health. Prenatal vitamins have that.

I think more women would buy this vitamin if it wasn’t labeled “Prenatal Vitamin”. This vitamin is the one of the very few simple ways we can support our health. As noted above, there are less crazy sounding benefits to these vitamins other than helping you have a healthy baby that you may not be planning to have so soon.

Forget the term “prenatal” and focus on the term “vitamin”. Support your body with what it needs.

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